Unit C-D, 26Floor Sea View Plaza 18

Taizi Road Shekou Shenzhen China



Do the products in the product list have a minimum order quantity?

Regarding the minimum order quantity for the products listed on our website, this information needs to be further confirmed. Please communicate with us via email about the specific minimum order quantity requirements for each product, and we will respond to you as soon as possible. To ensure you can purchase the desired product quantities, we recommend that you communicate and confirm the details with us in advance. We will do our utmost to provide you with excellent service.

Are all the products displayed on the website in stock?

Not all the products displayed on the website are currently in stock. Due to changing market conditions, we adjust our inventory status accordingly. If you need to know the stock status of a specific product, please confirm with us via telephone or email. We will provide you with the latest inventory information as soon as possible.

How do I know which product is more suitable for my needs?

If you are unsure how to choose the right product, or if you have specific requirements for the product parameters, we would be happy to provide professional advice and solutions. Please let us know your exact usage requirements and expectations, and our expert team will recommend the most suitable product based on your actual needs. We aim to provide you with thoughtful and attentive service to help you select the product that meets your requirements.

Can you provide products that are not listed in the product list or categories?

For products that are not listed in our product list or categories, if they are of the same product type, we can still provide them. Some special products may only be available in China, but as long as they are of the same product category, we are usually able to source them. If you need such products, please feel free to inquire with us via email, and we will promptly provide you with the relevant information and support.

Do you provide wholesale for products beyond the 4 main product categories?

Our primary strengths and product supply are focused on the 4 main product categories. However, if you are interested in other types of products, we would be happy to provide you with more comprehensive supply chain services. If you can let us know the specific products you require, our team will make every effort to find suitable supply channels and offer you wholesale pricing discounts. We hope to provide you with all-round product and service support.